Reception Classroom Refurbishment!
At The Peterborough School, we continue to evolve and invest in facilities year after year.
Most recently specialist school interior design company, Envoplan, designed and installed a bespoke state-of-the-art Reception Classroom. This vibrant learning environment takes the very best from Scandinavian design to create many interactive features, including a unique elevated Learning Tree where children can enjoy a calm and quiet space to read, tell, and listen to stories. The use of muted colours, cloud lighting, and innovative storage walls allows the Reception Classroom to be equally engaging and inspiring for our young children, as well as practical and logical for teachers. The use of zones within the classroom helps children to differentiate areas of play and interactive learning, areas of quiet-working time, and the all-important listening spaces. This supports their motivation, interests and needs. Spaces beneath the Learning Tree allow our teachers to change role play areas based on the seasons and focus subjects; currently the children are enjoying their ‘Polar Rescue Centre’ and have become quite the experts in treating penguins suffering from a broken wing, or spotting when a seal may have a headache!
Reception students and staff are thrilled with their new classroom; a beautiful and innovative space providing them the perfect springboard into formal education and upward trajectory at The Peterborough School.