Students celebrate excellent A Level results

Students at The Peterborough School were celebrating this morning as they collected their A Level results, which saw an improvement in the number of top grades achieved on last year, with almost 1 in 5 students gaining a clean sweep of A* and A grades. All exams, except just one were passed, giving an overall pass rate of over 99%.
Several students opted to take the much talked about Extended Project Qualification (EPQ), which is used to enhance University applications by students demonstrating a range of valuable skills in pursuing their own interests and submitting a dissertation or equivalent. Results for this were exceptional.
Top performers included Danielle Owusu-Ansah who achieved an A* in Psychology and A grades in Biology and Chemistry, along with an A* in her Extended Project Qualification. Danielle now takes up her place to study Medicine at Leicester in September. Louis Ashcroft achieved two A*s in Maths and Physics and an A in Further Maths and will study Mechanical Engineering at Warwick.
Sarah Allen, Gabrielle Owusu-Ansah, Sam Patel-Espin and Rohan Shah all achieved A grades in every subject, with Rohan achieving an A in his EPQ, whilst Gabrielle and Sam gained A*s. Congratulations also to Ben Meadows who gained an A*, A and B with an A in his EPQ and Grace Marriott who gained two As, a B and a B at AS Level Computing.
Headmaster, Adrian Meadows, was thrilled for all the students who have gained these excellent results, in challenging circumstances: “I am so very proud of all the students on their achievements this year and send them my heartfelt congratulations. I am delighted that our students’ hard work has been rewarded. Considering that they have never sat public exams before, and partially studied during the pandemic, they have performed exceptionally well. I look forward to hearing about the next stage of their educational careers as they move on to further study after leaving The Peterborough School.”
He went on to thank the School’s staff for their support of the students over their Senior School careers, which has seen them develop into wonderful young adults.